Another in Lux!


Luxembourgish Phrases for the Week:
Hello - moïen 
How are you- wéfi geht et 
I'm good- ech sinn gudd 
Let's sit down- komm mear setzen eis 
Bye- eddi
(Julia Wies taught me this week how to say these phrases in Luxembourgish. They come in handy however people start to think I speak Luxembourgish but I don't... that is when  the conversation gets awkward.) 

At the beginning of the week. We went to Paris for the bleus conference! It was good to see everyone again. Learned a lot. Craked some jokes. Passed by Notre Dame. Life is good. Then we made ourselves back to Luxembourg. 

We were able to meet with Rafela again! Did Isay how awesome she is?! We were able to finish the lessons with her. We did a Baptismal Interview with her. She is ready as can be! We really hope that she will get baptized Saturday

I am happy and ready to work! 
Sœur Devyn Pischer 

Me in Luxembourg♡ 

Modern Art Museum 

 The Streets of Luxembourg 

X3 for Sœur Campbell 


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