My Future Seems A Little Bleue💙
SÅ“ur Pischer here again. :) it has only been half a week since last P-day! It was still action packed with things!
We had the chance to go visit a couple of members in our ward. Sœur Noël and the Costa family. This was our first time coming to visit Sœur Noël and it was interesting! She is a really cool older women and she says that she wants to be a missionary. She even wants a plaque and everything. She is so cute:) the family Costa. THIS FAMILY IS THE BEST FAMILY EVER. I love sending time with them! They moved to Belgium about a year ago from Maryland so we spook English. I still think it is interesting to teach people in English since I have been teaching in French for so long. We got to hangout with Vicky the awesome almost 8 year old. She is a character:)
Friday we were suppose to have a lesson at 11 but at 6:30 in the morning our amie called and canceled. I was so disoriented since I had just woken up but I was able to talk to her on the phone in French. Interesting phone call:) in Brussels there is a huge service opportunity at a church that we decided to go to. So we got ready fast and made our way over to the church. When we arrived all of the other missionaries were waiting for the truck with all the food to arrive. So we decided we were going to do our personal study in the back room until the truck showed up. The man in charge brought out all of his bibles for us! He has so many different kinds of bibles! It was so cool to see all the different kinds of bibles there are. Somehow we ended up playing signs. Signs is a really fun game were everyone has a different sign and there are people in the circle who pass signs until the person in the middle catches the person with the sign. We tried to teach to African guys how to play and it was really cool to see them play! They were really cool dudes. Well the food truck arrived a couple hours late so we only did service for about 15 minutes then left to go home. We put different kinds of food into different bags. I believe that the bags will be given to people who don't have food. It was a really good experience to help people in need.
Later that day we went to Bernadette's house. It was a really awesome lesson! She bore her testimony of the gospel and how she came to know the church was true. Bernadette is one of the best people I have ever meet and she is an awesome disciple of Jesus Christ.
Yesterday, on our way to ward conference. I had an impression to go talk to this women because i really liked her scarf. So I did. She was the nicest person ever. When I asked her about her scarf she told me were he got it and she preceded to give me the scarf. Of course I said no I can't take your scarf but in the end I had the scarf. She gave me her scarf just because I liked. She showed me that there are nice people in the world and that kindness/charity is much more valuable than anything else in the world.
Then we made our way to the church. Sœur Potter and I had the opportunity to teach in the primary! We had this awesome lesson planned about trees, food, flowers, etc and how we got these things from god. We only had two little kids in our class and it was kind of a fall with our English accented french but ça va. C'est la vie.
So this week is transfers! Yesterday night all the SÅ“urs were just chilling in our apartment when our phone started to ring. It was the President of the Mission. SÅ“ur Potter answers the phone and is chatting for a bit then she hands the phone to me. President starts talking to me and then he asked me to be a TRAINER! I AM GOING TO BE TRAINING A NEW MISSIONARY A BLEUE! I will be staying in Brussels and SÅ“ur Potter will be going to France! I am super excited to train! I hope my bleue will love being a missionary as much as I do!
I will update you all next week!
Bye! Bisuous!
SÅ“ur Devyn Pischer
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One of the Most Expensive Galleries in the World |
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Me and the scarf from The Nicest Women |
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Grande Place♡ |
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