Bonjour à tous!
We had an action packed week! We were able to see a lot of members for an upcoming Venez et Voyez and we were able to see a few of our progressing amis! Lets start at the beginning :)
After p-day of last week, we made our way to a members house! Her name is Delphane. She has only been a member for a year and she is just so great! We actually weren't able to see her so we did some porting. We meet people that we were guided to talk to. They really need to hear our message. Then we had a really cool encounter with a women! She was interested in talking to us! We hope to see her soon:)
Mardi (Tuesday) we were able to go see one of the the amis from the other sisters equipe (team). Her name is Anabelle. She is a super sweet women. She has been taught by the missionaries for at least a year. She has read the book of Mormon twice! She just isn't making the baptism or the things of God a priority. So we promised blessing and we had a really Spiritual lesson with her. We hope to see her again soon :) Then we went to one if the Olivier Families! Jika and Antony. She is from Mongolia and he is from France! They speak English to communicate. They have such a desire to do missionary work. I am excited to work with them :)
Wednesday was literally the day of member rendez-vous! We saw three member families. The first is the Matali Family. They came from Africa and they found the church while being in France! They have strong testimonies and they love the missionaries. Then we went to see a father and his daughter. They are the Alliot Family. I have not felt so much love than this rendez-vou with this family. Sweetest. Last but not least, we went to the Tahi Family! They are Tahitians. I have never meet any Tahitians until now. Let me tell you, they love to sing and they have so much faith in God.
Jeudi! Council de district. That was good. Then we saw Dephine! Another awesome progressing amis. She is really searching for the truth and wanting to have the gospel in her life. Then another member Family visit! Le Roy a husband, Wife, and two girls. Sweet family.
Friday! This was the craziest day! We went to the hospital early in the morning to be there for our amis Juliette. She taught she was going to have an operation but actually it was just a first appointment.... she was bummed. We were at the hospital for 3 hours with her but we actually got to talk to her about Baptism! She wants to get baptized! So we will be fixing a date this week:) then we went to see the Kumbi Family! What a prepared family. We taught the rest of plan of salvation and the spirit was strong. They said it was all clear! It all made sense! They believe in the book of Mormon And Joseph Smith! They came to church.
Exchanges Saturday in Lorient! Cute little town with the best sisters! I was with Sœur Bakly. She cute. France is beautiful! I just love it ♡ Then we came back for a ward BBQ! I love this ward. They are all so sweet. I loved going to church with all of these amazing people.
Know that god loves you. He sent his Son Jesus Christ to die for you. God called Joseph Smith to restore the church on the earth again.
Bisous! Bonne semaine
Soeur Pischer at Mont St. Michel ♡ |
Mont St. Michel ♡ |
Exchanges with the Lorient! |
The AMAZING Juliette |
Delphine cutting the gâteau du roi! |
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