Once a Bleue, Always a Bleue


Another week in Brussels Belgium! Comme d'habitude. Ok lets get into this. 
So this week we got to meet with a lot of our newer amis. We were able to see Serge a couple of times! He called us and asked if we would be able to meet with him! He is going great. He said that he knows that the book of Mormon is true and that the story of Joseph Smith is true. So we gave him a soft invite to get baptized. He doesn't understand the priesthood yet so next time we are going to try and explain that! Our second rendez-vous was in a cute café in the middle of Brussels. Which was very hard to find at first. All four of us sisters were looking at our phones and tablets trying to figure out where we were going. But we found it!
Then we were able to finally see Melissa. I honestly love her. She is so awesome! She has always know that there was a God and he was there for her. She is very sensitive to the spirit. We are seeing her tomorrow! We also met at this FABULOUS café that is now mine and Sœur Safsten's new favorite place. As you cab tell most of our rendez-vous with people are in cute cafés. People here like them I guess. I love them so it is perfect:) 
We weren't able to see Meredith or Madlyn this week. They are both really sick but we hope that this week we will get to see them both. We made Madlyn a quiche this morning and brought it to her house. We hope she likes it:) 
We have seen Elza a couple time this week! She is progressing really well! We made her a scripture calendar to help her with reading the book of Mormon. It is a fun activity for her.:) 
Ok funny story. Yesterday after church the Spanish group always eats a meal together. They always want the missionaries including us even though we are with the French ward. Anyways we decided to go and partake. I have never been so lost in a language before in my life. Literally everyone around me was speaking Spanish or Portuguese... I felt like a bleue again. Me and my bleue were so lost. The members thought we knew what they were saying but nope. But I received Spanish lesson from sister Ramirez later that evening so now I know a little more! 
I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to be surrounded by so many different languages and so many different cultures. Even with these different we all have one thing in common. We are all children of god and he loves all of us so much. I am so happy that everyone can have a chance to be together in the amazing Gospel of Jesus Christ.♡ 

I am grateful that I can say, 
Hello my name is Sister Pischer and I am a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Sœur Pischer et Je suis missionnaires pour l'église de Jésus Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours. 
Halo! Yo me llamo Hermana Pischer y yo soy misionera de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los últimos Días.
Oí! Meu nome á Irmã Pischer Eu sou missionária de a Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias. 

Bye! Bisous! 
Sœur Devyn Pischer 

 I Found A Stick and I Decided To Model With It 

 Fancy Belgium Street

When It Is Nice OutSide, Sœur Pischer Is Outside 

 I Just Love My Hammock Too Much

Represent bien


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