Joyeuses Pâques!♥️
Bonjour à tous!
Another amazing week. We were able to talk to a lot of people this week and we were able to get a lot of new amis! We also were able to see a lot of our progressing amis and teaching them somethings about the gospel. It was really cool to see the Lord play a role in our missionary work.
Well some highlights of this week were getting to see our two amis with baptismal dates! Meredith is doing really well! She will be getting baptized in June due to her having to get married first. She is basically a member already so we will continue to see her to help her to continue preparing for her baptism. Then we set another baptismal with our amie Elza! She is a 9 year old girl and is the granddaughter of a member. She wants to get baptized so we will teach her the lessons to help her get baptized. Just awesome:)
For other amis, we weren't able to sit down and see Madlyn this week but we were able to go to a young adult activity where we made like pizzas but you wrap the dough up making a huge round pizza thing. Does that make sense, idk. Haha but anyway it was really fun and Madlyn fit right in! We got to explain General Conference to her and the Spirit. She was d'accord with everything. She was sick on Sunday so she couldn't come to general conference but we hope to see her this week. She it truly amazing, i love her.
I went on Exchanges in Liege again. This time I was with sister Carlson, she is our new STL :) she is so good at finding constantly. Like man she was talking to people right and left. She also knows how to use the area book truly to it's fullest. She really cares about the people she serves and she really cares about everyone around her. Sister Carlson is awesome and I loved going on exchanges with her! When we got back to Brussels, Sister Safsten and I talked about what we learned from Exchanged and made a plan to apply what we learned.
Ok really cool experiences with finding from this week was we found all of new amis in one morning. God was guiding us. Like really. We have already meet with a few of them already but We will be meeting with the others this next week.:) I am really excited because I love teaching new people about the gospel and see how the holy ghost touches their hearts. It is truly really awesome. GUYS! Ok cool experiences we were in the middle of contacting in this creepy place and not having a ton of luck so we decided to pray to as for guidance on what direction to go. So we did and we followed. Then we started contacting this guy but he didn't understand because he spoke Spanish. This was my moment. I was so excited and I got myself ready because I could use my Spanish! So I started speaking in Spanish! I don't know how he understand me but the gift of tongues is real. Of course after I was done speaking all the Spanish I knew, we called the Spanish sister who finish the conversation with a new ami! I know we suppose to be there that day and i needed to use my broken Spanish to talk to this man!
This weekend we had the chance to watch general conference. General Conference is a time twice a year we get to hear from the Leaders of our Church speak to the members and people of the world. There talks are inspired by God and they truly made me feel the spirit. My knowledge of the Gospel has grown by listening to these talks.I hope you all got a chance to watch or listen to Conference ! I am so super grateful for the sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ. This Easter we celebrate his resurrection and I know that because he was resurrected, we all will resurrect as well. I am so happy to have the Gospel in my life and to talk to people about it everyday!
I love you all! Have a good week:)
Sœur Devyn Pischer
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Exchanges with sister Carlson ♡ |
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Welcome to Brussels! |
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When in Belgium, Get Waffles |
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Oh How I Love Personal Study |
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