This week was long... as you guys can tell our P-Day is today! Wednesday. We decided to change our p-day to Wednesday due to the fact that a lot of the Museums in Brussels are free today! We are having our p-day as a district. I am so excited to go see a bunch of Museums and to see more of Brussels!
Ok some highlights from my week was first exchanges with the Liege Sisters again but this time in Brussels. Our exchange was Monday evening and yesterday morning/afternoon. I was with Sister Zurcher and Sister Packard! They are just awesome missionaries and I loved getting to spend a day with them:) On Monday night we went contacting and it was my first time being in a trio contacting or being in a trio at all. It was really interesting to see how a trio works while contacting. Sister Zurcher asked me if we usually go contacting at night and I said no this is my first time haha. I really like talking to people on the street guys. Anyway next day, we saw Meredith who is doing really well and she is just the greatest! There isn't much else to say because she is just so great:)
I had to do Legality last week on Wednesday. We had to go to Waterloo which took about 30 to 45 minutes to drive. The senior couple drove us which was super sweet of them. :) then we got left outside this doctor's house, literally his house haha for 10 minutes. So we decided to do a photo taking section. Then we once everyone was at this doctor's house we literally sat down in front of this doctor to watch him sign his name and then we were done. Très simple. Then the senior couple drove us home but on the way there we stopped by to Butte Lion which was this super big mound of dirt with a Lion statue on it. It was a super cool historic place:)
The next day we went to go see a less active member named Bernadette. We had an interesting rendez-vous with her. She came to church and we will be seeing her this week. We decided that we need to teach her all the lessons again so it will be fun:) then we did some pass by of a less active and gave her some cookies! Then we went to a rendez-vous with a member. She was having a hard time. When we were done. After we were done, I could really tell that we helped her out a lot. She has a granddaughter who is 9 years old. We asked if she wanted to receive the lessons so she could get baptized. She said yes! So we will be teaching her:)
Sunday evening we made sushi! This was my first time making sushi. It was so fun and it was super easy! I would highly recommend making sushi, not all the time because it is expensive but once in awhile is good:) The reason why we made sushi was because we went to Beatrice's house the next morning. We did some cleaning and we helped with papers. Then we had a feast with sushi and cake. Since it might be Sœur Potter's last week here in Brussels, we wanted Beatrice to see Sœur Potter because she left so we eat and spent some time together:)
Now to get to the story of my title. One day Sœur Pischer is sitting next to a guy who speaks a language that she doesn't know. She listens really intently to try and figure which language it was. She decides that it might be Spanish or Portuguese so she is prepared with her basic conversational skills in those two languages. She goes in and asked the guy was language he is speaking and he says Slovakian.... not Spanish or Portuguese. That conversation ended rapidly but the moral of the story is that I can't tell which languages are which!
We saw a few more members and we saw a couple of other amis. They are all doing really well and I just love how awesome the people are here:) this week was another pretty good week. I will talk to to you all in a couple of days. I am so happy to be a missionary here in Brussels. I love talking to people about the things that I know to be true.
Have a great week!
Sœur Devyn Pischer
The Brussels Elders and us after our rendez-vous with Timmy |
We took the beeping Fire alarm in the Metro |
Me |
Me |
Brussels is beautiful |
Brussels in Belgium |
Doctors office |
Soeur Potter sleeping on a tram |
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