Well this week was the best week ever!! I have loved being in Brussels so much:) ok lets begin.
So Tuesday was filled withed visiting people in Saint Quentin and saying goodbye. It was sad but it was really good to see the people that love one last time for awhile. And I had to pack all my stuff. Surprisingly I didn't have a lot to pack and i wasn't stressed about it on Wednesday morning. So Wednesday was the big day! I left Saint Quentin at 8 o'clock in the morning to go to Paris to wait for a few hours at Paris Nord for my my group to go to Brussels.
When everyone who was going to Brussels was ready we got on our train, the Tahlins, which is I believe is on of the fastest trains in Europe! It was going so fast and it was really cool:) Then we arrived in Belgium! I meet Sœur Potter and we were off to missionary work.
There are four sisters in my Apartment me and my companion and then two Spanish sisters. Our apartment is really nice and big. I really like it. :) The two Spanish sisters are really dope and I love them.
Ok now Brussels is HUGE. So most of the finding we have been doing is talking to people on trams. Belgium people are super nice too. I love talking to them and they are so welcoming. There are so many different languages here as well! I get to use my English more here which is interesting but I think it is cool! I can also use my bad Portuguese and i am learning Spanish from the Spanish Sœurs so this will be fun:)
The ward here in Brussels is so nice and there are so many different kinds of people. I truly loving being in this ward already. I can't wait to get to know them more and to see what will happen in the future:)
All in all this week was truly AMAZING. Today for p-day, we went to Grand Place which is like this huge shopping place. There was this BEAUTIFUL huge buildings with gold on them and everything. I had an amazing waffle with bananas and whipped cream but sadly the whipped cream and banana fell on the ground... but the waffle was still amazing. Before that we eat at an awesome burger place, best. Burger. Ever. But the super awesome thing we saw today was, the Cinquantenaire! It was so big and cool. I can't describe it in words so I will just post a photo.
Ok I love you all and I love being a missionary. I know this church is true:)
Sœur Devyn Pischer
Cinquantenaire! |
Me and my awesome Companion |
Spanish Soeurs and Us |
My first frities |
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