Only Happens On a Mission


Ok so a lot of crazy things have happened this week and it is just crasy here!
So first thing first! Our baptismal date, Meredith, is doing great! We moved your baptismal date to the 7th of April because she will be getting married on the 31st of March. She is great and she is so curious about the baptism! She is great! 

Another thing i did was that i left our keys at the church.... which is an hour away from our apartment and we only go there on Sunday or if we need to. So we were key less for a couple of days and i was scrambling around trying to call people to find our keys. But we got our keys back! We went to the church Saturday because everyone was there for a valentine's day ball. We walked in and saw the bishop with our keys and i also attacked him because i was so excited to see those keys. Don't worry he is safe and sounds also our keys are too.

We saw Beatrice this week! Beatrice is our amie who has us clean her house and help her with her papers. I have never felt the spirit so strongly in someone's home. All we were doing was helping her clean her house. I can truly see why charity is the true love of Christ. When we are in the service of others we are in the service of our God. Me and my companion knew that we needed to be at Beatrice's house helping her out. Oh also she told us somethings that were super funny but they are not weekly appropriate....

Yesterday Sœur potter got to Skype into one of her old amis' baptismal! So the WiFi at the church doesn't work extremely well so we had to leave the church to go to Carrefour and sit outside so she could Skype into the baptism. It was really funny and it was a really good experience for Sœur Potter. :) 

I am truly loving being in Brussels and i love being a missionary here. Of course missions are hard and they always will be but i truly and super happy to be a missionary in Belgium. I love our amis and i love our ward. I am so excited to see what happens:) 

Ok have a good week!
Bisous! Sœur Devyn Pischer 

 Last P-day sushi

Me and Sœur Potter♡

 Me in Grand Place

Sœur Potter Skyping into the Baptism


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