"Ne Crains pas, Seulement Croire!♡"
Well this past week was crazy as well. We saw Yannick almost every SINGLE day to prepare for his baptism. He is doing well:) Mohamed is doing well too. We didn't get to see him as much as we wanted to thing week but this next week we hope to see him a lot more. Alpha we haven't been able to see or contact which is upsetting. Missionary work isn't all sunshine and roses but there are times when things will be sad. But I believe that whatever happens is suppose to happen, all I have to do is do all I can:)
We decided to go out to lunch with Chrispelle this week because it has been a little bit since we have seen her. Anyways we went to Columbus Cafe and just had a nice little lunch. We were talking about the Relief Society, which is an organization for the women of the LDS church, and she brought up the temple! She asked whenI i was leaving and I said probably at the end of this month so she said we had to go before I left. It was a really touching moment for me and we will be going to the temple on the 20th of January. I am really excited to go to the temple with Chrispelle. She is absolutely incredible and I am very thankful for her in my life♡
We went on exchanges this week in Lille with our amazing STL's. I was with Sœur Nielsen and she is an amazing missionary. I really needed this exchange and i learned a lot how to 'put it all in' into my missionary work. We had a lot of success when we talked to people and we had a lot of success. Just believe in miracles and they will happen. Have the faith that the Lord will provide. I really love Lille as well haha. It is a big ville and I love having metros and having a lot of people around. It is amazing. :)
I would like to share a couple scriptures that have really helped me out recently.
"10. Heureux ceux qui sont persécutés pour la justice, car le royaume des cieux est à eux!
11. Heureux serez-vous, lorsqu`on vous outragera, qu`on vous persécutera et qu`on dira faussement de vous toute sorte de mal, à cause de moi.
12. Réjouissez-vous et soyez dans l`allégresse, parce que votre récompense sera grande dans les cieux; car c`est ainsi qu`on a persécuté les prophètes qui ont été avant vous.
(Matthieu, 5)" Je sais que notre père céleste nous connaît personnellement et il sait ce que nous traversons dans cette vie. Dieu nous aime tellement. Chacun de nous est très importants à lui.
I hope you all have a great week!
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