Salut à tous!
So this week was Crazy... I feel like I have said that a lot lately. However! Since Soeur Nickerson sadly left for Nantes on Wednesday, we spent the first half of our week getting her ready to leave. We had a few last rendez-vous with people on Tuesday and she had to finish her packing! It was bitter sweet because I love Sœur Nickerson and I was sad to see her go but I know she will be having a blast in Nantes! Ok Wednesday was last goodbyes and I got my new companion. As I said last week her name is Sœur Inman. She is from Indiana! We came into the mission together so we are both bleues! Aka pourquoi le titre. :) well after transfers were done, we made our way back to St. Quentin.
This week was mainly filled with a lot of time talking to people and see if they were interested in hearing our message. I don't think I have done this much finding in my life but it was fun:)
Hmm... rendez-vous' this week were with Pascal and Aline! Love them! Still reading the scriptures with them and that is always good:) FINALLY got ahold of Juliana! She is alive and well. Her phone just broke that was why we couldn't get ahold of her. She missed up and we missed her! She is doing really well and we will see her again next week:) we were suppose to have rendez-vous' with the Quint family Chrispelle but saturday the buses weren't running that day so we couldn't get to the Quints' place and Chrispelle I believe missed her train! They both came to church! So that was awesome! :)
Chrispelle got comfirmed this Sunday! Yay! We did have to run to her house just to make sure she was coming and on time but it all worked out haha.😅 It was a really cool experience and the ward is all so welcoming to her. I just love Chrispelle and i can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for her❤
Ok I think that is it for all the big news! I hope everyone is doing well:)
Devyn Lee Pischer
This is how we do porting in France most of the time😊 |
Quote!🌲 |
Someone paid me for being a missionary... I tired to give it back but the man just walked away. |
Shout out to my girl Sœur Nickerson for giving me Mike and Ikes heheh |
It is really cold in France and I have to do this to stay warm. |
《Sorry I don't have any good photos with my new companion but next week I will have some!》
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