There Is Opposition In All Things

Bonjour Mes Amis! 

Well this week was something. Let's start off with that I have been sick basically all week. I had a nasty headache everyday, a sore throat, and a runny nose occasionally. What a blast. Me being sick made it hard to concentrate on French people talking to me and understanding. But don't you worry, I am better now and my comprehension is improving! 

Another not so fun thing this week was we didn't have basically any rendez-vous this week except one on Saturday and two yesterday. That's it. One was with a less active family, the Quint family, they are literally the greatest people. They are so funny and Jean-Baptist served a mission is Washington D.C. so he speaks English! Also he and his wife, Roxy, are going to have a baby! They have two girls right now. They always want us to play with them and they have some fascination with ears... I don't know why. We talked about temples and families. We are hoping they will be able to go to the next temple trip in October to do baptisms. Jean-Baptist was at church yesterday too! Roxy wasn't feeling too well. Our other rendez-vous was lunch with the Langeout family yesterday. They are awesome and they have a little girl as well! Naomie is the sister of Marie who feeds us every sunday. Marie drove us out to their house. They live like 45 minutes away from St. Qeuntin, just like home. Something cool that they have is tunnels and trenches in their backyard that were used from the first world war! Like what?! It was so cool! We got to see the tunnels but not the trenches so we will go back to see those. It is remarkable how HUGE the tunnels are! They also have a lot of carvings in the walls from soldiers. Since there were american soldiers there, there were a lot of "USA"'s carved into the rock. Really awesome:) 
Our next rendez-vous was with this family that I guess had a baptismal date awhile ago but it just never happened so we went to visit them. We played games, had a little snake, and just got to know them. Hopefully we can work with them some more:)

I think something that I have learned this week was that we need to use our time wisely. Sometimes when we were talking to someone about m'importe quoi, we could have spent it call or texting amis or out finding people or doing something that is more focused on my missionary purpose. Since I am on a mission for a reason and not just to socialize with people for hours. So pro tip from Sœur Pischer prioritize things in your life and focus on what you need to get done that is most important.:) 

Today was had another district p-day! We went to Amiens today where we got to tour the largest Cathedral in Europe. It was so cool and it was really big haha. We could have walked up to the very top of the Cathedral but since today was really raining, we couldn't:( Another cool thing is I basically had the best poutien fries ever in Amiens. Everything is France is basically Heaven. Then we went shopping. I wanted a blanket scarf, which is like a huge fashion thing in France and I literal blanket wrapped around you, so a bought two. Then I bought a face mask from Lush because I am a typical American girl, and then I got some delicious gifts for my family. 
This week I wanted to share a quote with you. I have attached a photo. Read it, Ponder it,  and Remember it.:) 

I hope everyone had an amazing week and will have another this week! 
Love and miss you all!

Devyn Lee Pischer 

 Langeout Family, Marie, and us the sisters

Sœur Nickerson and I with the Quint Family

 Sœur Nickerson and I at a members house this week for dinner


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