Hello everyone!
The first week was awesome! I have had so many good times here at the MTC. It's something new and extremely exciting! I am mostly in class for a good portion of each day. We always start out with a hymn and a prayer. Which always brings the spirit! Then we read out of the scriptures for about an hour. Something that is interesting about reading the scriptures here is that we always pause after every verse. We always think about what the meaning and what the scriptures are saying. I don't think that I have ever learned so much from the scriptures before. Now at the MTC, there are so many wonderful messages in the scriptures! I encourage you to read and think about the scriptures to figure out what God wants you to know.
Me and my companion had our first TRC this week. TRC is were you teach an investigator. It was so scary at the beginning but after relying on the Spirit, preparing lessons, and just loving the investigator the teaching visits went sooo well! I have learned so much about the Gospel just by preparing lessons to teach other people! It's so awesome!
I am learning so much about different cultures here! Since my Zone is so diverse, there are so many different people! I have learned how to speak Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Tongan, and many more languages. Also i have learned some Brazilian and African Dancing! I Love my ZONE! WE are all one big happy family! I have also meet so many people that aren't in my zone or my district that are really interesting! I love being able to talk to different people and make new friends.
My french is coming along. Me and the other two girls in my district are trying really hard to study and practice our French as much as we can. I still have along way to go but I hope I will be good before I get to Paris in two weeks!
I think I am adjusting to Missionary life. It is a bit interesting have a companion with you all the time but I am getting use to it. It's really interesting to see how many missionaries there actually are at the MTC. We are all about to embark on a hard but rewarding journey of our life times. I know that we all are going to so happy with our decision to serve and I have already seen the blessings that come from being a Missionary. I LOVE being a missionary!
Oh also next week! We get to help with the tour of the MTC! I`m so excited! If you get the chance to come tour where we missionaries live for a few weeks of our lives, do! It is awesome and you will get to see what we do :)
Au revoir!
Sister Pischer
Me studying! |
It is so beautiful here on one of the new buildings |
Sister Burrup pointing to where we are from and I am pointing to where we are going |
Elder Nascimento who is from Brazil and me pointing to Wyoming |
Our healthy dinner |
Beautiful views again |
My loving French sisters and I at Tuesday Devotinal |
Malo elelei!
Hello in Tongan, i think....
Here are more pictures!
(Bye in Portuegese)
Companion study! |
Sister Bookwalter, Sister Eggar, Sister Burrup and I studying |
My companion doesn't want to deal with my crap. ;) |
My mission! |
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